CBD is constantly growing in popularity, attracting flocks of new users who want to know more about all of the great benefits it has to offer. If you’re curious to learn more about CBD, whether you’re a new user or not, these resources can provide all the information you need and then some.

While many think CBD is just a health trend, there is actually a growing body of evidence to support its regular use, and the more we learn about it, the more benefits we discover. Universities and researchers all over the country are tirelessly working to unlock the secrets of CBD so we can clear the air and provide science-based facts on the compound.

Here are some of the best resources for learning about CBD online.

The FDA’s Website

The FDA has plenty to offer in terms of information on CBD. In fact, the organization approved a CBD-based drug for certain rare conditions that cause seizures. The drug was found to be effective at treating the seizures in around 500 patients, which is very promising news.

According to Penguin CBD, while the FDA doesn’t completely regulate the CBD industry, that doesn’t mean it’s without knowledge or information on the benefits of CBD and hemp-based products. The FDA also provides information on the federal government’s role in the regulation of CBD and cannabis products, as well as information on how the organization plans to become more involved in the industry.

With hemp finally legalized, we’re seeing a huge surge in the production and sale of CBD and hemp products. With this surge comes new varieties, as well as startups that aren’t following strict quality standards. Without regulations, it falls to the brands already cemented in the industry to set quality standards. To limit your options, you can explore the internet to find the best products such as CBD Hemp Flower, CBD oils and edibles.

Online CBD Providers

Whether you want to learn about CBD oil options, topicals, or advancements in the industry, some of the best places to get information are CBD brand websites. Most major brands have a blog, FAQ page, or newsletter; or all three.

These websites often have links to other resources as well, so if you’ve got a favorite brand already, check their page to see if there’s a blog or information hub.

Some of the best CBD products on the market are found online, so these web-based brands are certainly an authority on the subject. You’ll find all kinds of products, from tinctures to oils and gummies to other edibles and even capsules. New to CBD? Try starting with oils or gummies.

These make great beginner products because they’re simple yet potent. Start with a small dose and see how it affects you, and work your way up. Just remember that you may not feel the effects immediately. Most people need to take the CBD regularly for 1-2 weeks before they notice a difference.

The World Health Organization

The WHO offers an online database complete with thousands of articles and publications on all kinds of health-related information, including CBD. The WHO even published this critical review of CBD, which includes information on benefits, risk-factors, and more.

The WHO is a global organization committed to fighting disease, raising awareness regarding physical and mental health, and assisting direct and coordinated international health efforts. If it affects human health, WHO is interested in it and likely has information already compiled on it.

CBD is something that has been praised for its medical benefits, but as with any new medical trend, it helps to have an official organization perform a non-biased review of the product(s). CBD is a safe and effective substance, but that doesn’t mean it affects everyone the same way.

Check out the WHO’s website for more information on CBD and hundreds of other health-related topics.

University of Alabama

One of the forerunners in CBD research in the nation is the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The epilepsy center at the university has been studying the effects of CBD use in epileptic patients. Since CBD is a natural anticonvulsant, it’s been shown to be effective at treating and managing seizures and conditions that cause them.

The UAB’s ongoing CBD research program has yielded some amazing results, paving the way for the possibility of new seizure treatments based on cannabidiol. The university has made a name for itself with this focus on CBD-based research, and we’re excited to see what new research reveals about the naturally-occurring compound.

Project CBD

Project CBD is a non-profit organization based in California. This organization is working hard to promote and publicize research and development in the CBD space, as well as eliminate some of the stigma surrounding CBD and cannabis-based products.

On the website, you’ll find hundreds of articles, publications, and resources on CBD, state-by-state CBD laws and research efforts, as well as basic information on what CBD does, where it comes from, and what its future looks like.

If you’re looking for a website with general information on CBD, Project CBD is probably your best bet. The politics of CBD are also covered at Project CBD, which can often be complex and difficult to understand.

Since 2009, the journalists at Project CBD have been providing non-biased information that is both free and accessible to the public via the website. You can even subscribe to the site’s newsletter so that you never miss out on any important CBD updates.

Why It’s Important To Educate Yourself On CBD

For the previous five decades or so, Cannabis and Cannabis-related products have been demonized, criminalized, and shamed in the public eye, which has left the world with plenty of stigma surrounding this useful plant.

The fact is, hemp, which is a strain of Cannabis and where we source CBD from, is one of the most useful plants on the planet. It grows some of the toughest plant fibers, and its versatility surpasses any other plant in existence. Hemp can be used for CBD, clothing, shoes, biofuel, rope, twine, paper, textiles, and can be blended with other fabrics and textiles to create hybrid products.

At the end of the day, stigma only ends when facts are spread instead of misinformation. Keep yourself informed and updated with these CBD resources to help spread the facts!