Adam Schefter posted a set of rules he says is expected to be the NFL’s new National Anthem policy.  If these are actually the rules then we shouldn’t expect the anthem controversy to end anytime soon.

1. All team and NFL personnel should stand for the Anthem.

2. The League Office should revise the Game Operations Manual to remove the requirement that all players be on the field for the Anthem.

3. Personnel who choose not to stand for the Anthem may stay in the locker room or a similar location until after the Anthem has been performed.

4. A club will be fined if its personnel do not show appropriate respect for the flag and Anthem.

5. Each team may develop its own work rules regarding its on-field personnel who do not show appropriate respect for the flag and Anthem. 

According to, team owners are expected to adopt these rule changes on Wednesday in Atlanta.

NFL team owners are expected to formally adopt the changes at the Spring League Meeting in Atlanta on Wednesday..

“Maybe this new rule proposal that is being voted on is a ‘compromise’ between the NFL office and club CEOs on various sides of the issue, but certainly not with player leadership; we weren’t there or part of the discussions,” NFLPA spokesperson George Atallah said in a statement Wednesday

There will be some players and other organizations outside of the league that aren’t happy with this at all.