Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston says the NFL has not interviewed him after he was accused in November of groping an Uber driver.

“I know the NFL has a process that they have to go through and I respect that process. It’s not my job to speculate on that process,” Winston said Monday, the Bucs’ first day of their offseason program. “My focus has been with this organization, getting the guys back in here and focusing what we can do to become a better team this offseason.”

The NFL’s investigation into an allegation that Winston groped a 26-year-old female Uber driver has entered its eighth month.

“This remains under review,’’ NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said of the Winston probe.

 Winston has denied any wrongdoing. The driver, identified only as “Kate” in a Buzzfeed article that broke the news, said that on March 13, 2016th, in Scottsdale, Ariz., Winston “reached over and he just grabbed my crotch.” She said he kept his hand there for three to five seconds and removed it only after she said, “What’s up with that?” Jameis hasn’t lived up to expectation yet, and this cloud hanging over his head won’t help.