The Coronavirus pandemic caused the whole world to shut down when it emerged. From lockdowns to mandatory isolations to loss of livelihoods and lives, Covid 19 has left behind some permanent scars. Some of the problems that Covid 19 created opened new doors for some professionals and businesses. For instance, the demand for digital mental health professionals rose when countless people developed depression, anxiety, and other mental problems because of the suffering. Casino businesses offering and other freebies also got more business during the pandemic.

Bored of being indoors, most people decided to try online gambling to enjoy and make extra money. According to the American Psychological Association, about a third of the nation’s psychologists last fall said they were receiving more patients from the start of the pandemic. Another claim from APA is that almost three-quarters of doctors who treat anxiety disorders said they got more patients. Now eight months into the second year, the Corona Virus continues to mess with the mental health of many. 

If the calamity carries on, psychologists will have more depressed people to cure. To cater to the increasing number of desperate patients, mental health specialists decided to shift their services online. Both therapists and patients have benefited from the growth of virtual therapy. Because the pandemic made it harder for people to travel, they did most transactions online. The internet makes the scheduling of therapy appointments online easier and quicker. 

Also, speaking to an online therapist means that one can receive treatment in privacy. People who need mental treatment for the first time can love the privacy that online therapists provide. For current generations that are always on the phone, digital mental health checks can be a warm welcome. These young people hate barriers, and online therapy seems to eliminate them all. Besides, online therapy makes a perfect first treatment for someone who requires more intensive help. 

As for how mental health experts are reaping benefits from offering therapy online, they can make more money. Also, practising telemental health can help therapists maintain a proper work-life balance. During the pandemic, therapists also want to limit extending time at the office. Once they get home, they can attend to a patient in their home office for as long as they want. Remote telehealth services are easy to offer these days because the states increased access to them during the pandemic period, according to APA. 

The centres for Medicare and Medicaid also reviewed rules to extend service delivery via telehealth. As a result, many people who have become mentally ill during the pandemic or before have access to telehealth services. There are also some cons to take note of. Online-based mental care may not work for every patient or doctor. When a patient has a more severe illness, they may require more help than a digital service can offer. 

As for doctors, some may not establish a real connection with their patients. Hence, some patients may stop responding when they realise that messaging with the doctor is not helping their condition. When it comes to tackling suicidal cases or other risky situations, some of the companies offering online therapy have no guidelines.