If you think that sleep is a waste of time when nothing serious occurs, you’re badly wrong. The human brain and body can’t function without healthy sleep, during which your resources restore. Thus, if you’re regularly deprived of the minimum hours of sleep or don’t sleep well, don’t expect any productivity or good performance from yourself.

In fact, sleep disorders or chronic sleep deprivation can cause grave health problems, such as depression, fatigue, obesity, and hormonal imbalance. So, it’s unwise to underestimate the value of good sleep. Instead, you can explore the innovations technology has for better, healthier sleeping. 

AI, Big Data, and Your Sleep Comfort

Luckily for us, artificial intelligence has firmly entered all human life domains, enhancing virtually every activity with big data and real-time smart analytics. AI innovation has something in store even for sleep, giving users a better idea of what environment and what mattress they need to sleep better. Many apps have emerged to calculate your BMI, weight, and height, to correlate that data with your lifestyle and climate in which you live, and give you personalized suggestions for temperature, humidity, and mattress softness. With this information at hand, you can design an ideal environment to enjoy a healthy, rejuvenating sleep with maximum value for health.

Sleep Research 

Research states that over 50 million Americans currently suffer from some sleep disorder, while at present, over 85 sleep disorders are identified by scientists. All sleep disorders fall into five primary types: sleep-related breathing and movement problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, circadian rhythm distortions, and sleep behavior disorders. If you fall into one of these categories, it’s high time to consult a sleep specialist and to have your problem studied. Many sleep study labs exist across the USA to help diagnose the problem. If you don’t want to stay in laboratory settings, you can apply for a home sleeping testing (HST) unit to identify your sleep patterns and issues.

Sleep and Climate Change

Though few people really think about the relationship between climate change and worse sleep seriously, in fact, there is a strong connection. As the latest research showed, higher average temperatures observed globally because of the accelerating climate change deprive people in different parts of the world of essential sleep hours. The reason behind this change for the worse is that people are unconsciously adjusted to a particular environment, with its temperature and humidity levels, to enjoy healthy, uninterrupted sleep. Once the temperature rises, the human body experiences discomfort, and the human brain can’t relax and wind off. As a result, you can feel exhausted in the morning.

Smart Beds to Enhance Your Sleep

As we mentioned above, smart beds and mattresses are not science fiction anymore. Today, people concerned with the quality of their sleep or struggling with sleep disorders may purchase a smart bed to attain greater personalization of their sleeping experience. For example, Sleep Number 360 or Smart Nora are products solving sleep problems and adjusting the mattress features to real-time sleep conditions (e.g., elevating the head area when the sleeper starts snoring). Insomnia is well-managed with temperature adjustments, which can be achieved with IoT apps connecting your home air conditioning system to the app measuring your sleep quality.

Sleeping Apps

In recent years, we have witnessed an outbreak of sleep apps in the app market, aiming to solve various problems with sleep and nurture healthy sleeping habits in users.

Some famous examples include:

  • Relax Melodies is a free app available for Android and iPhone users, targeted at managing the user’s insomnia with relaxing sounds and melodies of nature. Users can also customize the music by adding their favorite tracks as additional layers into available melodies, thus enhancing the pleasant, soothing experience of falling asleep to your beloved music. 
  • Sleep Time is another free app using AI algorithms to analyze your sleep patterns and give you intelligent suggestions on sleep enhancement. The app helps determine the best time for your awakening so that you don’t feel broken and don’t need one hour and five cups of coffee to become productive.
  • Pillow is another AI-powered app analyzing the sound and motion you produce during sleep to give you a full idea of your sleep session’s quality. The program presents you with a full diagram of deep sleep phases’ duration. Besides, Pillow can integrate your body and lifestyle data into sleep statistics to present a full picture of your sleep quality.

As you can see, quality sleep is essential. But what to do if you have taken all the measures named above but still can’t get enough sleep to be resourceful? The problem of chronic lack of sleep can affect academic and work performance disastrously.

So, if you have again had a stormy night and can’t compile an academic paper properly, click this site to get some competent help. Seasoned experts will help you study better even if you have no physical and mental resources to complete an important academic assignment.