For the most part, sports are a fun, enjoyable and relatively safe activity – a great way to keep fit and make new friends. That said, there is a risk when playing certain sports, that you may end up with an injury that could be life-changing. If that were to be the case, you may want to contact a Spartanburg PI lawyer to discuss this. 

Here are some of the worst sports injuries to be aware of next time you’re on the court, pitch or green. 

Torn ACL

A torn anterior cruciate ligament can be caused by sudden stopping or turning, landing badly from a jump or a direct hit to the knee and is usually signalled by a sickening ‘pop’ sound. Skiing, soccer, football and gymnastics are all activities that have a higher risk of a torn ACL and the results can be devastating – potentially resulting in arthritis later in life.

Hamstring injury

Another result of stopping suddenly, or changing direction rapidly is a hamstring injury. These can be quite mild but painful with pulled hamstring, right up to a grade 3 strain which involves a complete tearing of the muscle and can require an operation and many months of recovery. 


In football and soccer, the risk of a concussion is relatively high and even with protective headgear worn during football, the consequences can be quite severe. A mild concussion due to a head injury can be quite painful and perhaps cause dizziness and disorientation, but a more extreme concussion can be very dangerous. 

Fracture or broken bone

If a player were to fall awkwardly onto their arm, or collarbone for example, they may end up with a fractured or broken bone. According to NQ Physio Townsville, this can put you out of action for several weeks with a cast, and then requires attention from a physio who can provide rehab services and an action plan to get you back to full strength.


Your knees and shoulders are the bones most likely to dislocate during sports, and it can be excruciatingly painful. Some people are more prone to dislocations than others, and may be able to just pop their joints back in, however for most people it requires the assistance of someone else to do this. You may have to call 911 to get the joint relocated, and they might want to give you some pain relief while doing so as this can be quite a painful procedure. 

To avoid injuries, you can do a few things. For example, always wear any protective gear that is recommended for your chosen sport, whether that be shoulder pads, helmets or gloves. Also, warm up consistently and carefully to avoid any damage to your muscles. Although a lot of sport requires a level of pushing yourself, never push yourself too far past your limit. Stay safe and have fun.