The NHL is notorious for being a league that changes drastically from year to year.  It’s brought us exciting times and lasting memories that we’ll carry with us for the rest of our lives. If you have been interested in NHL history, you might want to know certain things in the NHL that are not coming back.

In this article, I’m going to take you on a trip through time as I list some things that have come and gone from the league over the years.

Wooden Sticks at the highest levels

Hockey has long been a game of innovation, with equipment changes happening every few years. From the earliest days to now players are always coming up with new ways for their sport to evolve and grow even bigger than it was before.

One significant example would be aluminum sticks which were first used in 1988 but became prevalent by the 2000s when composite blades joined them on ice rink surfaces all around North America – this trend quickly spread worldwide thanks largely due to t its popularity as well its affordability making hockey gear affordable for everyone.

Over the course of a decade, hockey has seen its fair share of holdouts. Names like Ryan Smyth are notable in that they’re one-of-a-kind players who refuse to play for another team or move on from their NHL contract despite being offered enough money elsewhere to allow them an exit when things weren’t going well with previous teams.

However, it’s pretty much just these guys at this point because composite sticks don’t have anywhere near as long a life cycle. 

Players supporting the use of tobacco

The use of tobacco money in sports has changed over time. Tobacco was once common practice, with players smoking during breaks and between periods – so prominent brands were able to get athletes on their roster or advertise through them.

 However, this is something we can never see happening again thanks to more people knowing about the risks associated with cigarettes than ever before; not just for your health but also because they’re bad publicity if celebrities don’t quit themselves.

The history of cigarette advertising in sports is a thing that we will never see happen again. With the increased awareness about their dangers, players are no longer seen smoking on camera or during intermissions because it’s simply too controversial for them to do so nowadays.

Canadian-only rosters

The game of hockey has been growing exponentially in the last few years with more and more countries being represented on stage every season. On average, each team has 7 players that come from outside North America or “NA.” 

The popularity may still lie mostly Canada-wide but there’s no doubt about it. Hockey, as we know, is evolving into something different than what was before just because its roster makeup changes all together now thanks to this huge infusion of foreign talent who bring their unique skill sets which can help teams win games.

The Columbus Blue Jackets stands out among other NHL Clubs by having 10 diverse nationalities on display during playtime

Suits everywhere

The NHL has changed a lot since the 1950s. Now, everyone wears their favorite jersey and hat to celebrate it – but back then people dressed up for games just as they would at church or work! In those days if you attended an event in formal attire expect there be plenty of other attendees dressing similarly. 

It takes courage nowadays though because most fans won’t take too kindly if someone shows up wearing jeans with their team logo on them.

There have been many changes throughout time periods within sports-related fields such as football being one example where we see our clothing evolve from classy suits into casual outfits. 

A comparison between these two different eras shows how things have changed over time which leads one to question if wearing fashionable clothing makes them look silly or not upstanding citizens at sporting events these days.

The way people dress while watching sports can also reveal something about themselves such as where they’re coming from socioeconomically; 

Rink sizes below the current NHL standard

When it comes to rink size, the NHL standard is 200×85 feet. However, this was not always so and in fact, there were many different standards before 1891 when Boston Garden first opened with their 191×83-foot sheet of ice.

The Buffalo Sabres also used a short sized rink at The Aud being 196×85′. Chicago’s Blackhawks had an 188 x 85′ surface for playing on while they played games between December 1936 – October 1961.

 In conclusion, there’s always something new to learn in the game of hockey – because it has evolved over time. 

 These are just some of the short-lived aspects of hockey that you would have to be a very old fan or somebody who died before seeing these happen in their prime. 

However, it’s always nice to reminisce every now and then about what could’ve been if things didn’t end up the way they did.