Norwegian loans with no credit checks are very popular these days. Many banks in Oslo and other popular cities could offer you some solutions when your credit is not as good as possible. Even when you are a Norwegian that lives a normal life, you have the right to fail. However, that doesn’t make you automatically ineligible for a loan. Let’s find out what Norwegians do to take loans from commercial banks without having any credit and without showing any assets as collateral to the bank’s officers.

Apply For Government Support

When you have no other solution, and you need to take a loan, it’s always better to ask for government support. The Norwegian parliament has voted and initiated many loan support programs for the part of the society that has no credit or even bad credit history. It only takes to have Norwegian citizenship, and you are automatically eligible to participate in such financial aid programs.

These government-subsidized products apply to Norwegians with a bad credit report that has not been due to criminal intent. They can apply to certain banks and get the loan they desire with the premiums and the interest rates paid by the government for a specific time. Other times they can apply for these loans and have the government back if they miss some payments due to health or family reasons.

Ask For Parental Affidavit

Another trustworthy way to get a loan with bad credit would be to ask for your parents’ affidavit. That is a document carrying your parents’ signature and showing the bank officials that they are willing to pay for the loan during financial hardships. 

That kind of affidavit usually has all the necessary loan details that the bank asks for and gives them a higher liability to cover the potential losses they may have from giving you the loan. Even if you are a non-reliable person, you will have the right to access a loan when your parents are still in a perfect and viable financial level.

Go To The High-Risk Banks

Norway also has some international funds that are up to huge profits. These rogue capitals form the so-called high-risk banks, which are specialized in offering loans to Norwegians with non-existent or bad credit histories. When getting a loan from these banks you typically agree to pay a higher interest rate and even a higher premium than the one you would pay when entering into an agreement with a normal bank.

Give Their Wages As Collateral

Finally, maybe the last way to omit the issue with your bad credit and get a loan would be to sign and offer your future wages as collateral. These loans can be generous especially when you have a good job that pays you better than the national average. Business owners who typically earn more than wagers are more likely to get such loans when they offer shares of their company.

It’s necessary to know that when you have a bad credit it’s hard to get a loan from good banks. However, when you are in Norway you have many chances to get a loan even when your credit score is at the lower levels and that places you among the most highly-appreciated citizens of the entire world.