Today is a very special day, and it has nothing to do with LeBron James’ debut with the Los Angeles Lakers. Well, actually, I guess it has a little do with it.

What’s a sports equinox you ask? It’s extremely rare, as there’s only been 17 days in history to record one. 

Here’s the definition via Five Thirty Eight

Via Reddit

This Thursday will be game 5 of the ALCS. The NHL, NFL, and NBA also all have games scheduled today.

If the World Series goes 5 games, this will also happen on October 28th.

Bonus fact: if the Dodgers make the World Series and it goes at least 5 games, Los Angeles will be come just the 2nd City (Phoenix was the first) to have teams playing in all 4 major sports on the same day (Rams, Clippers, Kings, and Dodgers would all have games – as well as LAFC and LA Galaxy).

And historically, there are only 2 days a year where no big 4 sports games are played.  

So enjoy today, for it only comes around once in a blue moon. If you love sports, cherish 10/18/17 forever.

I know I will.