Gisele celebrated her love for Tom Brady as the two marked their ninth wedding anniversary on Monday.

‘What a ride this past 9 years have been,’ wrote the Brazilian model, who has two children and a stepson with the New England Patriots star.

‘Happy anniversary love of my life! Te amo muito! Que aventura tem sido esses últimos 9 anos. Amo aprender e crescer contigo. Feliz aniversário amor da minha vida!’

Gisele shared a picture of the pair on their 2009 wedding day, at Santa Monica’s Catholic Church.

New England Patriots superstar Quarterback Tom Brady shared a similar shot, alongside the message:

 ‘Live, Laugh, Love…..and I Love You! Feliz Aniversário! Te Amo muito!

Tom’s life keeps on getting better, as far as the public knows. The quarterback now holds the record of achieving the most passing yards ever in both a Super Bowl game and in any post-season game, finishing the big game with a passing total of 505 yards. He would have easily traded those records in for another ring. Despite the loss, his legend still grows.