“We use a term in our house: CCC. Clear, current communication,” Brady said, when talking about his and Gisele’s intentional effort to remain in sync after more than a decade together. He continued by breaking it down. “Clear, like, ‘This is exactly how I’m feeling.’ And current, not like, ‘This happened six months ago,'” he said. “And you communicate about it. I think that’s helped us a lot.”

“We’re very ambitious people,” Brady said. “A lot of times I’m going in one direction, she’s going the other and its ships passing in the night. I’m going to football, she’s got things she’s doing and by the way, the kids. I think we have to make sure we take time for one another. If you want it to get better and improve, you got to communicate.”

Much like football, a successful marriage is all about communication. 

Tom is A GOAT of everything.  

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