New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady took to Instagram to show support for local 10-year-old Alexander Blais, who is battling a brain tumor.

Blais, an East Longmeadow native, has been a teammate of the Springfield College men’s lacrosse team through the school’s partnership with Team IMPACT.

Brady’s shoutout to Blais was posted on the Springfield Athletics Instagram account.

“Hey Alex, what’s up man?” Brady said. “I hear you’re the biggest Patriots fan out there and you like the Bruins, too. And I just want to let you know I’m a fan of you. And I just love you, I support you, we’ve got your back. And we’re going to win a bunch of games for you this year. And just know that you have so many people out there that care about you and love you. And God bless you.”

Is there a better human being on this planet than Tom Brady? Nope.