Former NFL quarterback turned CBS color analyst Tony Romo joined the “Ben and Skin Show” in Dallas on Wednesday and said he’s healthy.  Romo, who hasn’t played in the NFL since 2016, didn’t rule out a comeback.

Via Sports Day:

“I played much more hurt back in ’13 and ’14 probably than I would be now,” Romo told 105.3 The Fan on the Ben and Skin Show. “But that’s just – you find a routine and stuff in life that you figure out and kind of get going.

“I mean, yeah, I’m healthy enough. That wouldn’t be the issue at all I don’t think. That would be the least of my thoughts when it came to a decision like that obviously.”

Romo certainly seemed to hint at a possible comeback.  But when he was asked straight out about a comeback he didn’t really give an answer.

“You guys are silly,” Romo said, laughing when asked.

There is an opening out in San Francisco.  That would certainly be interesting to see if Romo would be willing to come out of booth to keep Jimmy Garoppolo’s seat warm.