After Tristan Thompson’s bombshell cheating scandal broke the internet last month, it appears as though he is a changed man. He sat down with the @RoadTrippin podcast and gave a little insight into fatherhood with both baby True, and his son Prince with ex fiancée, Jordy Craig!

Co-host Allie asked how True was doing and Thompson said, “She’s doing good.” Then, she added, “Let’s not forget about Prince!” the 17-month old son he shares with ex fiancée Jordan. “Yeah, of course, Prince is getting big, jumping on a little trampoline,” he said.

“And baby True is eating, sleeping and, uh, s**ttin’. That’s all they do. That’s all they do.“ He added, “She has a full head of hair. She has green eyes. This is the first girl Thompson, female Thompson, so it’s huge.”

The NBA player went on to open up about how there are emotional differences to becoming a father to a little boy versus a little girl. 

“I think with a girl, you’re just so much more emotionally like… with a boy, it’s just like, ‘Hey man, you’ll be all right man. Stop crying,’” he explained. “But [with True], it’s like, ‘True, it’s gonna  

Tristan talking about his personal life is comical. He’s milking this for all it’s worth. If it wasn’t for his affiliation with the Kardashians, I’m pretty sure he’d be out of Cleveland already. Problem is that awful contract they signed him to.