Lani Blair was identified as one of the women Thompson allegedly cheated on Khloé Kardashian, We were happy to introduce you to her. After the incident, Blair’s social media went radio silent. 

But now she’s returned with a nice ass photo for her 374,000 Instagram followers. Our friends over at Page Six gave us the heads up. The post currently sits at 19,783 likes, that’s a whole lot of likes for a homewrecker, or maybe we should lay the blame squarely on Tristan. 

Who knows how long her account will stay active? Check out more pics of her below, and if the posts don’t appear, it can only mean one thing, she’s gone back off the social media grid. My guess is she’s here to stay. 

She’s weathered the storm, and came out smelling like roses, with a lot more IG followers, mission accomplished.