We know who Donald is rooting for this weekend. 

Trump laid down some compliments on the Pats big three. 

“So, it’s talent, it’s chemistry – they have a great chemistry with each other – I mean, I like all three of them, as you know, I’m a very good friend with them. Coach Belichick endorsed me, you remember that?” 

Trump told The Daily Caller’s Vince Coglianese and Saagar Enjeti.

He continued on: 

“Belichick is so tough and Kraft is a great guy. The three of them they just have – how good was Brady, I mean, the last game? Not the last game, the last two games. Brady plays better under pressure than he does in a regular game. I mean, that last two minutes, the way he was throwing the ball down the field – they were bullets.”

Trump also praised commissioner Roger Goodell for reaching out to him after Canada joined the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).  The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) ruled to block American Super Bowl ads, but the USMCA superseded the CRTC’s decision.

“Commissioner Goodell called me and he thanked me, you know, they were working on that thing for years. It was having to do with the advertisements for the Super Bowl, it was a long-term problem and I got it solved,” Trump said.

“I was very pleased that he called me to thank me for helping him with Canada and, yeah, it looks good. And their games have really been good, other than one call.”

Now Trump is on the NFL bandwagon? 

What a flip flopper.