Tubby Smith has transferred to many different programs throughout the years, so this is perhaps is a bit hypocritical. Smith, after being fired as Gophers coach, took over at Texas Tech and stayed for three years before hopping over to Memphis. 

From Tubby’s rant: 

“Kids have a lot options nowadays,” Smith says as if it’s a bad thing. “With the new NCAA regulations, guys can transfer when they want. I’ve been in this business a long time, never seen anything like it. 800 Division I players transferred last season. Over 800! C’mon. Teach them how to quit. That’s what we’re doing.”  

“Somebody needs to tell them you made a commitment. Stick to it,” Smith said later. “But it doesn’t happen that way. They have a lot of people in their ear. That’s the way life is.”  

This from a coach who left jobs to pursue other opportunities, yet it’s not okay for students to do the same. Wait, wha? Tubby is a journeyman coach, he should understand the need to move on.