Umpire Laz Diaz had himself a night in Atlanta on Friday night.  It all started with Bryce Harper questioning a borderline pitch that Diaz called a strike.

From there things got interesting.

While Harper was in centerfield, Diaz called a similar pitch a strike.  Harper, who was in his line of sight, must have reacted to the call.

Diaz stopped the game and started yelling at Nationals manager Dave Martinez while pointing to Harper in center.  Harper just stood there while Diaz screamed at his bench.

After the inning Diaz was seen yelling at Harper as he made his way to the dugout.  Harper did his best to ignore him again. 

He couldn’t ignore what Diaz did this during his next at bat.  Diaz made one of the worst strike calls you’ll ever see at the MLB level.

Harper had a conversation with Diaz about the call, Martinez came out to join in the conversation.  Nobody was ejected and the Nationals went on to do what they do best, lose.

After this performance, one thing is clear, it’s time for Laz Diaz to be removed from the MLB.