UFC star Jon Jones will be eligible to return to competition by Oct. 28 — fifteen months after failing the second drug test of his tumultuous career.

The United States Anti-Doping Agency announced Wednesday it has suspended Jones for 15 months, for testing positive for metabolites of an anabolic steroid on July 28, 2017. The suspension is retroactive to the date of the test, meaning Jones has already served nearly 14 months.

There has been ample speculation regarding the possibility of Jones headlining UFC 230 at Madison Square Garden on Nov. 3, but the UFC president’s latest comments have thrown water on that idea.

“He’s been off for awhile. I think he’s a little heavy right now and he needs to start cutting weight and getting back into shape and we should see him early next year.”

White also discussed how Jones ended up receiving a shortened suspension for the offense.

“[USADA] had a third party independent investigator come in and investigate. They investigated and what they believe it was was contaminated supplements which is a huge problem right now. You have very few companies that actually make these products and they are putting bad things through the same silos as they are putting the good things through and yeah it’s contaminated supplements.”

Great fighter to watch. But he has cheated. And it is wrong others get longer bans for first time fails, just because he is a big draw, but that’s reality.  People want to see him fight.