Do you have a knack for sports, but doubt a degree in sports science will land you a job?

A sports science degree has much more value than you think. Not only does it give you the opportunity to work in the sports industry, but you also get plenty of versatility to choose other careers in sport in different branches, even those that are not directly related to your college degree.

What Makes a Sports Science Degree Useful? 

In the last couple of yours, this type of degree has become very popular, and the reason for that is its versatility. Even though nothing is free and a degree in this field is not cheap, the investment is worth it.

Sports science graduates can work in physiology, nutrition, and psychology.

Throughout the studies, students gain insight into biomechanics, physiology, biochemistry, psychophysiology, and neurophysiology.  Those who’ve studied this type of science understand the connection between the human body and exercise at a deeper cellular level.

This knowledge gives students valuable insight into the scientific principles of how sports affect one’s performance. These principles allow students to develop important skill sets, such as:


        Customer focus



        Organization and time-management

        Communication and presentation

        Data analysis

        Individual initiative to work with a team

        Report writing skills

They also learn how to write essays and papers that will be useful when working at any job. If you are interested in finding out more about scientific papers and essays, you can read these essays on science that contain valuable practical knowledge. Any good free examples of academic studies, particularly in the sports area, can come in handy when writing an essay. These are scientific papers examples on various topics, including marketing strategies in various industries that can be of use when studying.

The Different Careers In Sports Available for Graduates

To start a career in sports, you will first get access to different paths where you can apply for a job. These paths are:



        Sport industry

        Further Study

Here are all the job options that will be available to you after you’ve received a sports science degree based on a different sector. 

Working in the Education Sector


Sports science education enables graduates to work in the education sector as qualified teachers. In many countries, particularly in the UK, to work as a teacher with a sports science degree, it’s important also to have PGCE (postgraduate teaching qualification). Depending on what you’ve studied, you may have the opportunity to teach PE, maths, and science.

Job roles: Lecturer, Secondary Teacher, Primary Teacher, Leadership

Working in Management

One of the most common careers for sports science graduates is management, or in this case, sports management. They will work on developing various business strategies and finance, whether it is organizing a sports club or working on different events with investors. They will communicate both online and face-to-face with clients.

Job roles: Project Manager, Manager for Outdoor Activities, Event Manager, Manager at a Sport Center

Being part of the Sport Industry

The main goal for most sports science graduates is the sports industry. This is the industry where knowledge of sport and exercise science allows people to work in a specific field that is directly related to their degree.

It’s a popular sector where most graduates seek to work in, but it’s a very competitive area. Being part of this industry means working with people constantly, communicating, and inspiring others to achieve their goals.

While it does seem flexible and engaging, this is a highly demanding industry with not-so-typical working hours.

Job roles: Professional Coach, Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor, Sports Nutritionist

Further Studies

If you are interested in other sports science jobs, to acquire them, you will often need additional qualifications. Further studies are crucial for improving skills and knowledge in a specific area of sports science that will increase your chances for you to get a job.

These qualifications often need a certification that would prove you are capable of working in a specific sector. For anyone with a sports science degree looking to work in psychology or therapy, post-graduation is important or an additional degree.

Even with a sport and exercise science experience, you can still get further study in the fields of journalism and law. This opens the path for new job opportunities and a better wage.

Job Roles: Nutritionist, Therapist, Journalist, Sports Lawyer