More golfers have increasingly started to look towards a custom fitting for their golf clubs. It is an important area in order to improve as a golfer and to enjoy the game. However, there are many myths regarding custom fitting that we will try to clarify with this post.

Many people think that custom fitting is only to twerk specifics of your clubs (like the lie, the length and so on) but this is not the whole truth. Custom fitting is a way to find the right clubs for you – they do not even need to be altered at all! It is also about how to build the correct set of clubs for your bag. 4-iron or hybrid?

Have you ever reasoned that you “might not be good enough for custom fitting”? If this is your reasoning, you should look at it from a new perspective. Which golfer do you think can improve the most out of custom fitting – a pro player or a beginner?

The answer to this is that beginners probably need all the help they can get while pro players can probably get by with any club. Hence, why there are blade clubs for pros and game-improvement clubs for beginners.

Therefore, you should get help in order to find the right clubs for you but also be examined concerning your usual “problems” and “mistakes” that you make. A custom fitting can probably find the underlying reasons for this.

Remember to always bring your own clubs to a custom fitting as to compare to other clubs would definitely aid in the progress.


  1. Questionnaire.

By being asked questions about what you would like to achieve in golf a custom fitter can easier find clubs that are right for you.

Before you go, think these bulletpoints through:

What do I want to get out of my new clubs?

What are your long-term ambitions?

How much time do you think you would want to invest?

How much money would you like to invest?

Any injuries?

What is your most common miss?

  1. Finding what is right for you.

This is the fun part. Usually, you will try models that are different to find where you lie in terms of specifications. The shaft is a very important thing and its usually very dependent on your swing speed.

The clubs models you use will be registered in whatever trackman the custom fitter use.

  1. Testing!

Once the different models/clubs have been identified, the testing starts! Here they will measure your club speed, swing path, angle of impact and so on. Then you will try the same club with different shafts.

It could be a good thing to browse the market prior to the testing at golf sites like PineClubGolf that provide golf club reviews and guides.

  1. Fine tuning

After they have found what clubs are for you, it is fine-tuning time. The length of the clubs is a really important matter, as is the thickness of the grip and the lie of the club head.

Since your swing will probably change during the years, going back to the same custom fitter would not be the worst idea.