The quintessential Queue is one of the main traditions Wimbledon is well-known for. However, it was out of action in pandemic times. The tournament did not happen in 2020, and COVID restrictions prevented the fans and visitors from queuing up in 2021. Although the event resumed, tickets were sold online to prevent crowding and curb infections on the ground. However, the queue will be back this year as things get better in the new normal. But you may still have some valid reasons to skip it this year. Let us share a few with you.

The virus is still here

The virus is under control after the global vaccines, and the world is in a far better place to cut the risk. However, you cannot be too sure about safety because a new strain and repeat wave may be just around the corner. The best way to defend yourself is by avoiding crowded places and people. The queue at Wimbledon has both, so it makes sense to skip it and find other alternatives to get your tickets this year. Do not be too complacent because there is a possibility of getting infected even after vaccines and immunity. 

You have the option to buy debenture tickets

Not being a part of the Queue does not mean that you cannot get access to the Wimbledon courts. You may feel worried because there is no public ballot this year, but rather people with ballot tickets in 2020 can transfer them to 2022. The good thing is that you can get Wimbledon Tickets 2022 by buying them from debenture holders. You can connect with them directly through a reliable website and secure your tickets. They may cost a little extra, but the convenience makes them worth the price. Moreover, you can enjoy several premium benefits with debenture entry. 

Camping for the queue sounds tiring

Pandemic or no pandemic, camping for the queue can be tiring. Imagine waiting for endless hours on the ground before the ticket counters open. You may feel even more stressed when visiting with family. The chances of getting into the Show Courts are minimal despite the hard work because the lines are dauntingly long. You will probably have to settle for the non-show courts and miss out on your favorite players, world-famous celebrities, and royalty at Wimbledon. Spending long hours camping and waiting your turn is hardly worth the effort when you cannot even see the best of Wimbledon. So you have another good reason to skip the line and buy a debenture ticket to the Centre Court and show courts where all the action happens.

The famous Queue is all set to be back this year, so you can expect the crowds to be bigger than ever. Ditching them makes sense, even if it means spending more on debenture tickets. You can save the queue experience for years to come when the pandemic will hopefully not be around. Meanwhile, relish the incredible show by opting for luxury access with debentures.