During a  live broadcast of Monday Night Raw on July 30, 2012, Jossie made a joke referencing NBA player Kobe Bryant’s sexual assault back in 2003.

As client Titus O’Neil tangled with Kofi Kingston in a singles match, Jossie, who was wearing a headset microphone yelled from ringside,

“Titus O’Neil is like Kobe Bryant at a hotel in Colorado – HE’S UNSTOPPABLE!”.

When Raw returned from commercial break following the match, the WWE apologized on-air through announcer Michael Cole and Jossie later issued an apology that evening via Twitter and noted that “there was no malicious intent behind the joke”.

WWE issued an official apology.

Jossie was released by WWE on August 10.

After his release from WWE, he went on a rant on his WWE verified Twitter account, about his former employer.

Eventually, WWE suspended his account indefinitely.

Now apparently he’s back at it, liking some questionable tweets.

Flip the Page to see the incident and more:
