WWE changed Apollo Crews’ name to just Apollo on their roster section at WWE.com. His name on Twitter also reflects this change. WWE had recently aired an angle with Titus Worldwide creating the “Crews Can’t Lose” catchphrase for him.  

Daniel Wood of Sportskeeda is reporting that WWE confirmed in an email that the change was done due to the tragic high school shooting last Wednesday in Parkland, Florida. The gunman, 19 year-old Nikolas Cruz, killed 17 students and teachers with an AR-15 rifle. WWE apparently wanted to avoid any allusion to Cruz, despite the spelling being different, and the decision was made by Vince McMahon to drop Apollo’s last name.  

WWE opened Raw on Monday night with a moment of silence for the victims of the Parkland shooting, and NXT wrestler Donovan Dijak has already started a GoFundMe to raise money for the families of the deceased  


Who’s next with the name change, this guy below?