Golfer’s elbow or medical epicondylitis is similar to tennis elbow. It causes severe pain and inflammation in the tendons which connect the elbows and the forearm. The good news is that this is an overuse injury which can be easily prevented with overall physical conditioning and proper playing techniques, according to an article by Harvard Health Publishing. Physical therapists also often recommend low-intensity hand movements and golfer’s elbow support for smooth recovery. If you are into fast paced sport which requires frequent swinging, twisting and turning your arms, have a look at how to treat golfer’s elbow to avoid emergency situations.

1. Elbow Supports 

Golfer’s elbow braces allow flexing and extending the elbows and offer additional protection and support, according to experts at Aidfull. They are also extremely helpful for curing instability, sprains and strains which come along with golfer’s elbow. In fact, compression gloves are also great for treating tendonitis and sore muscles.

2. Medication

Over -the-counter medications and pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen are commonly suggested which are safe and can reduce swelling, according to an article by WebMD. Depending on the seriousness, you might also be given corticosteroid in the elbow region. These are quite useful to relive short term pain. Also, a new treatment where platelet rich plasma is injected into the tender area can be considered to reduce pain.

3. Physical Therapy 

Extending your affected arm and using the other arm to gently pull the fingers and wrist for 30 seconds and repeating 2-5 times can be beneficial, according to an article by Healthline. You can also take up numerous exercises like wrist extension and flexion to keep your arms balanced and stable. Consider wearing golfer’s elbow supports & braces for extra support and protection.

4. Regular Icing

Ice can minimize blood flow in an area and reduce pain and inflammation around tendon and joint. When the nerve-related activities are stopped, the tender portion tends to heal properly. Before applying ice, avoid any activity which could make the pain worse. Once you reach a comfortable position, put some crushed ice or cubes in a thin cloth. Gently press it against your skin for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this at least 3-4 times per day depending on the recovery rate. You can also massage the inner elbow 2-3 times a day for better results.

5. Rest it Out

Immobilizing the arm for several weeks can relieve the affected muscles. To make this possible, consider getting a golfer’s elbow support. Pick the one which is made from breathable fabric and promise to promote recovery within minimal time. They also put pressure on muscles and ligaments which reduce the chances of further injury.  Make sure you do not return to daily chores too soon which can worsen the pain over time.

Isometric wrist strengthening and golfer’s elbow stretch are a few simple exercises to try at home. They raise the muscle temperature and prepare your body for strenuous activities. Make sure to do these regularly, particularly if you are into sports.