The long-awaited FIFA World Cup is finally scheduled to begin on November 21, 2022. The middle-eastern country Qatar is hosting the event this year. 32 national teams including the host country Qatar, are prepared to partake in the global event. And despite all the speculations, scandals, and corruption rumors, the Arab country is also in high gear in preparation for the tournament.

This year’s World Cup is going to be different and special in many ways. As such football fans all over the world are looking forward to the event. To liven up the hype, we have produced a list of seven interesting and important pieces of information you need to know regarding the 2022 FIFA World Cup. We have also some information on the World Cup Live Stream in our other article.

1. First Middle-East country hosted World Cup

The World Cup Qatar 2022 is the first-ever FIFA international event hosted by a middle-eastern country. Also, Qatar is the second AFC-affiliated country to host World Cup. Previously, Japan and South Korea co-hosted the 2002 World Cup.

2. First Winter World Cup

In FIFA history, this year’s world cup is the first to host in Winter. Generally, every world cup before was hosted in June-July. But, this year FIFA with Qatar decided to host the event at the end of November.
Qatar is a middle-eastern country. Most of the year, it has a warm climate. The weather is not optimal for both players and fans from outside. As such, FIFA with Qatar decided to host the event in the wake of winter. This way, the weather will be more doable for both the teams and fans.

3. Fewest Stadiums Ever

This year, only 8 stadiums will host World Cup matches. This is the lowest count of stadiums the event has seen since 1982. Even in 2018, Russia used 12 stadiums to host the recent iteration of the event.

But Qatar fully renovated the 8 proposed stadiums with the latest technologies. Every stadium has its own custom cooling system. These will control the temperature everywhere within the stadium. To overcome the heat of the middle-east climate, stadiums will maintain temperatures under 27 degrees Celsius.

4. The Logo of FIFA 2022

The Logo of the 2022 World Cup is a white ribbon in a swooping curvature form. At a glance, it looks shaped like the World Cup trophy case. The ribbon is colored the same as Qatar’s national flag and has a traditional Arabic-inspired design. It symbolizes infinity and harmony.

The Logo was unveiled on September 3, 2018, at the National Archives Building in Doha. It follows the new standard of the FIFA event logo with an abstract interpretation of the World Cup trophy.

5. No Alcohol Policy in Qatar

In this iteration of the World Cup, Qatar won’t serve any alcohol. As an Islamic country, Qatar maintains a no-alcohol policy. The event won’t be any different. However, management made an exception for selected establishment zones for guest fans. These zones along with listed hotels will serve alcohol to foreigners. But, if caught consuming alcohol on open streets, there will be severe consequences.

6. First-ever Carbon Neutral World Cup in History

Qatar and FIFA management has decided to make this year’s tournament fully carbon neutral. As such, they custom renovated all eight stadiums. The stadiums will make near-zero carbon footprints. They also took further steps to minimize carbon emissions of domestic air travel within the country.

7. First-ever Full Demountable Stadium in World Cup

Qatar built the first-ever fully demountable stadium named Stadium 974. The stadium will only host World Cup 2022. After which, the management will demount it for various purposes. It sits along the shores of the Gulf of West Bay. Developers used a total of 974 shipping containers to build the venue. As a result, the stadium took less material to build. This is a very interesting stadium design for future developers and designers to follow.


This year’s World Cup is full of interesting choices. Qatar is also doing its best to maximize green and eco-friendly practices within the country. Let us know in the comment below about your opinion on the upcoming event.