Football is the most popular sport in the United States. The NFL, in particular, is the highest grossing and attended sports league in the world. Putting together your own grassroots football team is a worthwhile and rewarding challenge, as well as a great way to give back to your local community. By securing financing and players and joining a league, you can ensure your team gets off on the right foot.  

Secure financing

Knowing how to finance your football team should be your first priority. After all, you’ll need to be able to pay for all costs related to managing the team from equipment and uniform through to transportation and venue fees. Applying for a public or private grant may be a worthwhile option. Funded through tax dollars and state agencies, public grants typically provide ample sums — enough to finance your entire project. They are, however, difficult to qualify for (you need to be able to prove your team’s potential for significant positive community impact). On the other hand, a private grant is easier to qualify for (since it’s funded by a private organization). Although they generally offer less money, a private grant will still pay enough to fund your team. 

Form your team

When it comes to finding players, there’s no better place to start than your local community. Relatives, friends, neighbors, and coworkers may turn up useful leads. And, if you’re putting together a youth sports team, contact local schools. You can also advertise on community-related online message boards and websites, as well as in your local newspaper. At minimum, American football teams need eleven players (including, quarterback, center, running back, and fullback). If you need to split up your team for practice, a random team generator can be used to randomly split a list of players into smaller teams. 

Join a league

Joining a league is essential to putting your newly-formed team on the map, connecting with other teams, and, of course, to start playing in matches and tournaments. To join a league, get in touch with a sports association (like U.S.A Football, for example). The association will refer you to a suitable league in your local area.

Putting together your own grassroots sports team isn’t easy, but your efforts will pay off in the end. By securing financing, finding players, and joining a league, you can set your team up for success.