The crazy things people will do for love. 

And to look good. 

That’s what happened to former New York Yankees slugger A-Rod, who had to wear a Versace suit Jennifer Lopez picked out for him to wear to the Met Gala.  Apparently he had to drop a few in order to fit into the expensive duds. 


The 14-time All-Star was filmed wearing a sweat suit walking down a New York City street just hours before the Gala:

“You see this goofy suit that I’m wearing? It’s to sweat, baby, sweat. I have this crazy pink tuxedo that Jennifer and Versace are making me wear. I need to lose exactly 6.5 pounds. I’m taking two yoga classes, and I’m riding the stairs for an hour. I haven’t eaten in 24 hours. I did Sunday night baseball…I couldn’t even complete a sentence I was so hungry.”

“I used to exercise for big games against the Red Sox, now I exercise not to look fat at the Met Ball,” he added.

A-Rod claims that he cut out sugar and carbs as well as doing yoga in the morning and at night and going running in Central Park.

I’m going to have to hold my stomach in all night. I haven’t had steak in four days. That gets me really angry. I looked at myself last night at Sunday night baseball, I looked like I got hit, ran over by an 18-wheeler.”

“I can’t wait for an hour after the Met Gala,” he said. “We’re going to go down to the hood and have our best pizza. I cannot wait. I’m going to eat an entire pizza.”

Male celebs go to extreme lengths just like their female counterparts. 

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