Betting deal between Alliance of American Football and MGM marks the first time any U.S. sports league has sold exclusive in-game betting rights to a sports book

“What’s great for us is the access, provided that it’s single entity, all the teams and venues are all aligned and there isn’t any union issues,” said Scott Butera, MGM’s president of interactive gaming who was formerly the commissioner of the Arena Football League.

Pro sports unions have strongly opposed the use of sharing any information from wearable data with outside parties.

“We’ll collect the data and then be able to have the algorithm sort out what is relevant,” Ebersol said, giving an example of a quarterback’s greater chance of throwing an interception based on a certain amount of ball speed on his throws.

It sounds fun to bet while watching, but if the product on the field is subpar, then it really won’t be all that great. You also have to worry about in game corruption as well. I think this may be taking things too far. 

But we’ll have to wait and see how it pans out for the AAF.