Green Bay Packers brothers in arms Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews are more than just TV commercial friends. The two have starred together in several spots for State Farm Insurance. 

As you can see in real life the Green Bay Packers offensive and defensive captains are real life boys. A big fan ran into them at Joi Cafe, in Westlake Caliornia, and got a snap. She sent it to our tipbox. It’s always nice to see teammates enjoying each other’s company away from the field. 

The Packers will only go as far as Aaron and Clay take them, and if this is any indication of them being on the same page, the Packers 2018 season will be solid. I expect them to return to the playoffs. 

You can double check discount that these two are the real deal. They play together, act  together, and as you can see above, hang out in real life together. That’s brotherhood. Check out more of Aaron and Clay doing the acting thing below.