Dana White won’t be leaving the UFC anytime soon. While guest hosting an episode of LVSportsBiz, the UFC don announced he recently signed a new 10-year deal with the company.

. One potential pursuit White is considering is reuniting with former UFC owners Lorenzo Fertitta and Frank Fertitta in their quest to purchase an NFL franchise.

Via LVSportsBiz: 

“TMZ just got Lorenzo [Fertitta] the other day in New York, and Lorenzo confirmed that they are looking at NFL teams,” White said. He added, “I heard the Panthers, that the Broncos were available, that the Chargers might be up for sale. We’ll have to see how this plays out but yeah, if they buy a team, I’m in. I will partner up with them.”

According to White, this isn’t the first time the UFC president and the Fertitta brothers have joined forces to consider purchasing a pro sports franchise.

“We had looked at something a couple years ago, not in the NFL,” White said. “In the NBA, we looked at a team and we got outbid, me and the brothers.”

“I would love to be back in business with them and do something,” White said. “Obviously, I’m very busy and very focused over here. Financially, I’d jump in with those guys. I just signed a new 10-year deal with the UFC, so in ten years, I can do something with them every day.”

To think Dana White may have owned the Houston Rockets. 

You just know one day Dana White will be mixing things up in the NFL. 

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