In March 2017, A-Rod Corp purchased the rights to develop UFC branded fitness centers throughout Miami-Dade County, opening its first location in Kendall, Florida with several other sites in progress. 

He also owns TruFusion, which is an innovative group fitness and yoga concept with studios in development in several major metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, New York and Las Vegas. 

And let’s not forget about Energy Fitness, which is a large chain of high-end fitness centers primarily located in Mexico City. 

So the man knows a thing or two about gyms. How about all the pickup lines that happen at the gym, well, you know A-Rod must know a thing or two about that. 

Watch the awkward question below:

A-Rod goes on to say he doesn’t actually think there’s a bad pickup line at the gym, that it’s more about energy than delivery. 

This is the man who is dating Jennifer Lopez, so I’ll take his word on that whole energy thing. 

Being worth hundreds of millions of dollars can’t hurt either. 

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