We are in the middle of summer, and this can only mean one thing if you are a sports lover. Of course, we are talking about the summer Olympic games that are just around the corner. Sports fans all over the world have waited for a very long time to watch the Olympics because the major sports event was supposed to take place last summer. Unfortunately, it was canceled and postponed to the summer 2021 due to the covid-19 pandemic. The calendar now says july 2021 which means that the Olympics are about to begin in just a few days. We are probably just as excited as you are, and we almost can’t wait for the Olympic games to begin. If you need something fun to do while you wait for the Olympics, we can recommend you to play a few games at an online casino. You should visit NJcasinoo to find the best online casinos in New Jersey. In the article below, you can find some more information about the upcoming summer Olympic games.

Sports to look forward to

The Olympics is the biggest sports event in the world and one of the things we love the most about the Olympics is the wide range of sports to watch. The Olympics is a great opportunity to watch some sports that you don’t necessarily watch very often. During the few weeks that the Olympics are running, there are sports events to watch all the time, so you have something to look forward to every day, especially if your country is being represented in a particular sports discipline. Some of the most popular sports to look forward to at the Olympics are swimming, athletics and handball, so you should make sure to mark your calendar on the days where these disciplines take place.

A current status on covid-19

Last summer, the Olympics got canceled and postponed to this year as a result of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. This year, the Olympics won’t get canceled again but sadly, the covid-19 pandemic is still going to affect the Olympics in a negative way. The major sports event takes place in Tokyo, Japan, and right now there is an increasing number of infected people in the country. Therefore, it has been decided that the Olympics will take place without any spectators. It is sad, but it is necessary in order to keep the number of infected at a minimum.

What country will win the most medals?

Whenever the Olympics are being held, several medals will be handed out to the sports athletes who have been the best. But what country is expected to take home the most medals when the Olympics are over? There is no doubt that some of the largest countries in the world are expected to take home the most medals because they have more sports athletes competing in the Olympics. Overall, the USA is expected to win the most medals in the Olympics this year, and right after the USA comes China that is also expected to take home a large number of medals.