Baker Mayfield will keep access exclusive to the RV he was ordered to provide for quarterbacks at Cleveland Browns training camp.

HBO’s “Hard Knocks” will not even be permitted to bring its cameras inside, Mayfield said Monday. How does he get away with that?

The RV has been an item of interest, and even intrigue, since word about it broke on the first day of camp Thursday.

In organized team activities, Drew Stanton, the resident veteran, ordered Mayfield to have the RV for camp to provide the quarterbacks a place of respite. Since the RV became public, it has been a much-discussed oddity among the media and the Browns’ quarterbacks.

“What RV?” Tyrod Taylor said when asked about it. He then said “not sure” when asked twice more.

“It’s just something for us to be able to get away,” Taylor said. “Not anything special or anything. Y’all are making it way bigger of a deal than it should be.”

The RV may be for quarterbacks, but Stanton said any offensive lineman has VIP status and any offensive player can visit.

“It’s just someplace that you can go, you can get out of these four walls that start to close in on you after a period of time,” Stanton said. “There’s no secret meetings or anything going on.”

Added Mayfield: “You do get one break between the walk-through and practice, so you’ve got to be able to kind of relax a little bit, unwind before practice. Whether it’s looking at your scripts and doing all of that over again, just getting your mind right.

The Browns need to spend their energy focusing on football, not RV Access.