Bill Simmons is confident the Raiders aren’t goong to make the playoff this year.  So confident he said on his podcast that if they do make the playoffs he will eat testicles.

Via Guess the Lines:

“If the Raiders make the playoffs, what’s the most disgusting thing I could eat, you know what, I’ve always swore that I’ll never eat testicles. Those, like, the brains, you know, like cow testicles are a delicacy. I’ll eat testicles on the podcast. And they can be human testicles, cow testicles, I’ll eat some pair of testicles on this podcast if the Raiders make the playoffs. It will never happen.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m now rooting for the Raiders to make the playoffs.  You don’t challenge Jon Gruden with such an insult and think you’re not going to end up with testicles in your mouth.