Fresh off of his record-breaking sixth Super Bowl victory, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady says it still makes him “cringe” when people call him the “greatest of all time.”

Brady opened up about his win at Super Bowl LIII and more in an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Michael Strahan, saying despite being one of the most decorated football players of all time, he still doesn’t like it when people refer to him as the “G.O.A.T.” or “Greatest Of All Time.”

Brady explained that he is more driven by criticism than anything else.

“I wish you would say, ‘You’re trash, you’re too old, you’re too slow, you can’t get it done no more,'” Brady said. “And I’ll say, ‘Thank you very much, I’ll prove you wrong.'”

He added that he is always his own toughest critic.

“The personal criticism, I mean I think I’ll walk off the practice field and be like … ‘That was the worst day, you know, like get your mind right,'” he said. “Sports have always brought that out in me.”

Brady says he stays grounded in part because he was a self-described “late bloomer.”

“I struggled in college,” he said. “I struggled at the early part of my career … Like, I was never the first guy chosen.”

 He still holds this “deep” within himself, he added. “And it’s not going anywhere.”

In response to winning his sixth Super Bowl, Brady said, “I don’t know what to think … Other than I’m just blessed and I know that I’ll be giving back for the rest of my life.”

He added that he hopes “to try to be in a position where I can be a good, positive role model” and “influence people the right way.” 

Say what you will about Tom. 

He’s the GOAT, and any GOAT would never admit to liking being called the GOAT. That’s what makes them the GOAT. 

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