Urban Meyer sat down with ESPN’s Tom Rinaldi to continue to spin his role in the Zach Smith domestic violence situation.  The Ohio State head coach is now claiming he’s a hero.

Via The Spun:

“My intent was to try to help all involved,” Meyer told ESPN. “The only way that I knew how at the time, and I had two choices: fire a man and really put a family in upheaval financially, etc., or try to stabilize someone so you can go up and be a good father.”

The balls on this guy.  Does he expect anyone to believe this garbage?  You protected a man accused on multiple occasions of domestic violence, because of some debt to his family or some garbage.

If he really cared he would have fired him immediately.  Show him that no matter what domestic violence is not okay and there are consequences for such actions.

You can watch the rest of this clowns interview with the network that refused to cover the story when it first broke below.