Denver Broncos defensive end Derek Wolfe isn’t one to keep an opinion to himself.  So it comes as no surprise that he took multiple shots at the Broncos in a recent interview with The Athletic.

Wolfe explained his thought process when he signed a multiyear extension at a discount, while ripping his team for the revolving door at quarterback, among other things.

“I thought we were going to have a quarterback. I thought we were going to keep a lot of the guys on the defense,” he said. “That’s why I took that haircut. A huge haircut, because I wanted to stay here and be a part of the best defense to play it. I didn’t know that Wade (Phillips) was going to end up leaving. I thought I was going to have Wade for a while. Nothing against Joe Woods, I just was really comfortable with where I was at. Then everything changed.”

All seem to be valid complaints on Wolfe’s part, but I’m sure the Broncos would prefer them to be brought up behind closed doors.  

Wolfe does go onto say that he doesn’t regret signing the discounted extension, although we find that a little hard to believe.