Ryan Fitzpatrick is playing out of his mind right now.  He’s made the most of his opportunity with the Buccaneers while Jameis Winston has been suspended.  

Tampa Bay’s season was supposed to be in jeopardy after a slow start because Winston was serving a suspension.  That hasn’t been the case and now Fitzpatrick’s teammates are buying into “FitzMagic.”

Receiver DeSean Jackson doesn’t think Fitzpatrick should turn the job back over to Winston after his suspension.  He wants the Bucs to ride the hot hand, via Pro Football Talk

“He’s playing on fire right now,” Jackson said of Fitzpatrick. “With the way the team is rallying behind him and just playing lights-out football, you have to kind of honor it. You can’t take the hot man out. You got the hot fire right now. It’s like NBA Jam. We used to play NBA Jam — whoever got that hot fire shot, you got to keep shooting, man. It’s not my decision but I’m sure Dirk and coach Monken and the guys that make those calls, they’ll make sure they stay on fire until that fire is out. We’re going to stay on fire. That’s our job, to stay on fire and that’s what we’re going to do.”

If the Bucs want to prove they’re not a trash organization, which has yet to be seen, then they can’t sit Fitzpatrick in the middle of “FitzMagic.”  But if they do decide to put Winston in, with some magic still in the tank, they deserve whatever happens after that.