In early March Golden State Warriors defensive star Draymond Green was pretty overweight.  He was making bad dietary choices.

Since March 10th, Green has lost 25 pounds and according to the Warriors star, it’s all because the team’s general manager, Bob Myers, hit him with a “midseason intervention.”

Via ESPN:  

“Bob said, ‘If we’re going to win a championship, you have to get in shape,'” Green said. I was like, ‘Oh, I know. I’m fat as hell right now. Give me two weeks. It will probably take 10 days, but give me two weeks for sure and I’ll be good.'”

“When I went on this diet, it’s like a sense of control, and it’s confidence because you feel like you’re conquering something, you’re defeating something every day,” Green explained. “Having that control, it carries over to other areas in your life. We all love to eat. We all enjoy the things that we enjoy. If I can conquer that and not do that, why can’t I conquer my emotions, too?… And so I think honestly that has really helped put me in a different state.”

Green cut out all his vices. Chips, red wine, fast food.

He ate exactly what his chef told him to, and since he got the weight off, he decided to stick with the diet.

A lot easier to do when you have a chef making your meals.  

Glad the intervention worked, as they often backfire. 

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