It’s six degrees of separation, quarantine style.

In a time where people are sitting around their houses, filling their schedules with random video chats both for business and fun, ESPN’s Katie Nolan had an idea for her “Always Late Night with Katie Nolan” show.

Nolan is hosting via Zoom this week and initially had the idea to sit in the chat alone and send out the invite link to see who would join her.

But the video calling app has experienced hacking and security breaches, so Nolan switched the plan.

RELATED: Katie Nolan Absolutely Freaked Out Over April Fools Prank

She brought on fellow ESPNers Mina Kimes, Mike Ryan, Mike Golic Jr., Amin Elhassan and Pablo Torre to play the game.

Each sent out the same text asking their famous friends to jump on the Zoom call.

There were no follow up answers allowed.

Flip the Page to see what happened next: 
