Sports injuries can be tragic to the career of a dedicated sports person. At the same time, such injuries can happen to nonprofessionals, who only indulge in sports for leisure. Whichever way, injuries should be managed properly to heal faster.

The steps taken right from the time the injury occurs are vital and determine the final healing process. Sports injuries vary in look and severity. Some injuries are very minor and may take a few days to help while others may need specialized medical care. In either case, the actions taken by the patient are very important. 

This article looks at sports injuries from a wide scope perspective and provides tips on how to heal faster. Keep on reading to learn more.

What are Sports Injuries?

Sports injuries are wide and varied. In simplest terms, sports injuries are bodily injuries that occur as a result of sports-related activities or accidents. The common sports injuries include bone fractures, bone joint misalignments, muscle pools, etc. Such types of injuries are common to sports and can be quite detrimental if not managed properly. 

Below are the 6 key steps an injured person can take to fasttrack the healing process even if they are on treatment:

Follow the “RICE” Method

The recommended approach to healing sports injuries is the RICE method. This method provides steps to take from the point of injury to facilitate healing. 

Rice is an acronym for:

  • Rest: This means that the injured person should take a rest immediately after the injury. A rest of at least 2-3 hours is recommended.
  • Ice: This means that an ice bag should be placed on the injured area as soon as the injury happens.
  • Compression: Gentle pressure should be applied to the injured wound. The common way of compressing the injury is by tying a clean hospital bandage. 
  • Elevation: The injury should be lifted at a higher elevation than the heart to reduce the pain felt due to heart throbbing.

The RICE approach has been recommended by bone injury specialists across the world and it is among the first steps taken even when professional players are injured. The Health Plus doctors recommend the RICE method to all sports persons that have an injury.

CBD Products

CBD products have long been used to help treat certain types of conditions. The common types of ailments treated by CBD are those caused by inflammation. The same case applies to sports injuries since they are mostly inflammatory injuries. 

While CBD may help ease the pain associated with sports injuries and promote quick recovery, purchasing the right CBD product is necessary. When shopping, purchase the CBD gummies for inflammation that have been manufactured by trusted CBD brands.

Protein-Rich Foods

Eating healthy foods will also help speed up the rate of recovery. Protein foods are particularly good since they help build up worn-out tissues. This means that the cells around the injury will rejuvenate much faster when protein foods are consumed.

Foods that are rich in protein such as fish, beef, and chicken can be quite helpful during recovery. The Central Orthopedic Group medics also recommend the use of quality proteins to speed up recovery.

Fruits and Vegetables With Vitamin C

Fruits, vegetables, and vitamin C supplements can be quite helpful at this stage of recovery. Vitamin C is helpful in healing inflammatory conditions which can be quite helpful when dealing with sports injuries. 

Doctors recommend the use of vitamin C and even supplements necessary to help promote quick healing of sports injuries.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is the way to go for any person suffering from sports injuries. Hydration does not only work for sports injuries but is a good way of dealing with all conditions during recovery. For sports injuries, hydration supports the continuous flow of blood to the injured region, promoting quick recovery.

According to a Harvard Health publication, blood flow in and around the injury is important to help with the recovery. Taking plenty of fluids helps reduce inflammation and blood flow, promoting quick recovery. 

Vitamin D and Calcium-rich Foods

Finally, consider taking foods rich in calcium. Some of the calcium-rich foods that can be used to boost calcium levels in the body are almonds, broccoli, and okra. Calcium helps enhance the healing of broken bones and is seen as the best option for sports bone injuries.

Specialists recommend the use of calcium supplements. Besides calcium, vitamin D is also vital and can be acquired by basking in the morning sun. Vitamin D enhances the body’s ability to absorb calcium according to a Harvard Health Publication. Therefore, consuming supplements and staying in the sun is helpful for recovery.

Consult Your Doctor Regularly

While the above steps are vital and will help with the recovery process, it is important to consult a doctor. Depending on the type of injury, consult a doctor and ask for further guidance. The RICE process helps promote quick healing since it is used at the first-aid stage. 

After the first aid, a doctor must be involved for further instructions. The other remedies such as dehydration and using high protein foods will only help the recovery process.