Exams are generally agreed to be the most stressful time for students when one needs to deal with lots of subjects, presentations, and other information in a small amount of time. Because of that, the overall perception of education may seem to be taxing and extremely tough. Moreover, it often happens that a student must cope with homework assignments in one subject, simultaneously dealing with preparing for the exam in the other one. Such situations are time-demanding, and one is unable to take a fresh breath. As follows, sometimes, it is better to use some coursework writing service and order assignments from there while getting ready for tomorrow’s exam. Other than that, stress can cause different ailments such as sleep deprivation and other health-related issues, which are to harm the overall life of a graduate. The question of how to manage stress before an exam is considered to be an omnipresent one among youngsters. As a result, the most popular methods regarding beating stress are further to be described.

Get Enough Sleep

Students tend to study long hours before exams. It is understandable, yet tiring, which means that graduates are prone to devote their time for sleeping to study. As a result, they lack sleep, which reveals the imperfect learning process. Moreover, stress can make it more difficult to fall asleep, which may well lead to sleep disorders. However, quality sleep reduces the effects of mental pressure. That’s why it is crucial to follow these tips in order to make the learning process more comfortable and more qualitative and to do away with stress: try to go to sleep at the same time. This tip will help you to set your body’s inner clock and advance the quality of your deep and REM sleep. When you brush up your quality sleep, you will be able to wake up whenever you want, which is an excellent feature for the reason that you will have time to revise your material before an exam.

The second aspect that is also related to the quality of sleep is to put away your gadgets one hour before you go to bed. Meaning by that, devices’ screens tend to reduce your melanin hormone, which is crucial for the quality of sleep. It is increased in the evening to make one fall asleep faster and decrease in the morning to make one wake up quicker and be more alert and active.

Practice some stress reduction techniques

There is a variety of methods to get rid of stress, but these are considered to be the most effective ones. Taking a deep breath will help to increase blood circulation and fill your brain with oxygen, which will make the brain work faster and more efficiently. As to the method, take a deep breath and hold it for three seconds, then exhale loudly and count to three. Repeat cycle twice or during one minute.

Experiment with aromatherapy

A study shows that aromatherapy empowers emotions and memories, which means that it can influence your nervous system positively. Such outcomes make aromatherapy a powerful tool to cope with exam stress. Even though there are a plethora of essential oils that can reduce stress, the most ubiquitous and sufficient ones are lavender, lemon/orange, and jasmine. When it comes to lavender oil, it has been shown that lavender restores the nervous system by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Moreover, it helps to appease restlessness and improve sleep quality. If to speak about lemon/orange, not only do they reduce stress, but they also have a significant impact on one’s skin. The third one, which is jasmine, additionally stands for detoxing and clearing the respiratory system. Also, jasmine improves mood and energy levels.

Eat Properly

Research shows that when one’s stressed, it puts stronger pressure on one’s digestive system. As follows, when one does not follow a correct diet, it will influence the quality of learning, to say the least. Here are some practical tips to help you to make your food nutritious and easy-to-follow: make your breakfast, lunch, and dinner nourishing by making the right proportions of carbs, fats, and proteins. Carbs give you lots of energy, fats boost your brain, and proteins recover your muscles. Then goes a reduction of sugar intake. When you are stressed, your cortisol level is increased, which means that it affects your blood sugar level. That’s why the more sugar you consume, the more stressed you are. Hence, make your breakfast full of proteins, that might be eggs, peanut butter, and oats with bananas. Eat up to five servings of fruits and veggies daily, and consume more fats, which you may find in avocado, nuts, and fish.

Apply time management techniques

Scientists empirically identified that people who possessed time management techniques showed a lower level of stress and anxiety than those who had not owned such. Simple as it might be, effective time management includes having enough rest, good night’s sleep, and one more method that is, to my humble opinion, is vitally crucial during the learning process, taking a break after studying. It means that one is recommended to study for, let’s say, an hour and then take a break for twenty minutes. By that, the brain changes its focus, and when getting back to study, it is refreshed and ready to work again.


The tips, as mentioned above, especially when incorporated, are to show great results not only in terms of fulfillment of the curriculum but also in terms of managing stress.