Craig Kline, who served as assistant director of Khan’s Fulham Football Club, has made a number of allegations against Khan as Khan attempts to complete the Wembley deal. 

One of those allegations is that Khan, who publicly says he’s committed to keeping the Jaguars in Jacksonville, is privately planning to turn Wembley into his NFL team’s regular home field.

Kline claimed Khan told him to stay quiet about his plans to buy Wembley and move the Jaguars to London in 2022, the Telegraph reports. 

The Independent reports that Kline has said of Khan that “moving the Jags from Florida to the UK remains his priority.”

Jim Woodcock, spokesman for Khan, said, “This is nothing more than the same ongoing nonsense and bogus claims made by a former employee who left the club in 2017. Nothing here merits a further response.”

It’s not as simple as Kahn just moving the team. 24 of the 32 owners would need to approve the move. 

That being said, we know the NFL is looking to expand its operation globally. Mexico and London are always the two spots talked about when it comes to NFL expansion.