Holly Holm defeated Megan Anderson at UFC 225 on Saturday night by unanimous decision.  It was her first fight and first victory in the Featherweight Division. 

The impressive win could earn her a title fight in either the Featherweight or her old division, Bantamweight.  She was asked about which one she wanted a shot at after the fight.

Via Albuquerque Journal:

“I want both. I want it all,” Holm said in the Octagon after the fight. “(But) I think sometimes when you get a little attached to something you might want that a little more.

“The 135-pound belt kind of calls my name a little more because I had it and I lost it, so I want to get it back.”

The current champ in the Bantamweight division, Amanda Nunes, is down for fight.  Looks like the ball is in Dana White’s court now.