Former MLB pitcher Mat Latos, who spent 9 years in the league with 8 different teams, caused a bench clearing brawl during an Independent League game.  That’s right the end of a Major League Baseball player’s career can get very sad.

The brawl occurred on Saturday between the New Jersey Jackals and Rockland Boulders.  It all started with a play at the plate.

Latos’ catcher appeared to have caught an elbow during the play.  A brief stand off between the teams followed.

After play resumed, Latos decided to get a little revenge.  His first pitch to the next batter was inside, missing him by inches.  The next pitch sailed over the batter’s head and all hell broke out.

Latos ducked the punch of the on deck batter and slammed him, a move that only a veteran of the big leagues would be able to pull off.

I’m sure fighting with a bunch of Independent League players is exactly what MLB teams are looking for.  He’ll be back in the league in no time.

(h/t Busted Coverage)