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Washed ashore

A post shared by Kristin Cavallari (@kristincavallari) on

Some comments she received: 

  • “When eating ‘healthy’ makes you look sick, maybe it’s time to eat a little unhealthy,” read one body-shaming comment. “A grown woman with the body of a 10-year-old boy is not normal and it never will be. Just think, the camera adds 10 pounds, so in person she must really look like she’s on her death bed.”
  • “Holy skin and bones!” another commenter wrote.
  • “OMG looking hungry as always,” someone slammed the Paradise Hotel host. “F****** Skeletor. Why would anyone buy your cookbook? You don’t even eat. It’s pretty gross, I used to adore you.”
  • “Go eat a burger or a real full meal!!” a follower added

So how does all of this make Jay Cutler feel? 

Check out more of Kristin Below:  

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