Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh is a one of a kind guy.  This story from former Michigan quarterback from Wilton Speight reinforces that.  According to Speight, Harbaugh told him to not eat chicken because it’s a nervous bird.

Via Bleacher Report:

Former Michigan (and current UCLA) quarterback Wilton Speight tells a story to sum it up nicely. Early in his Michigan tenure, Harbaugh pulled Speight aside and told him not to eat chicken, a protein that is considered fairly safe by nutritionists. When Speight asked why, Harbaugh said, “because it’s a nervous bird.”

“He thinks some type of sickness injected its way into the human population when people began eating white meats instead of beef and pork,” Speight says. “And he believes it, 100 percent.”

Everyone should stop eating chicken immediately based on this.  Everyone knows a football coach, especially one who used to play the game himself, is pretty much a nutritionist.  I need his full breakdown on all food and nutrition ASAP.