49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo kept a pretty low profile for a little bit. After signing a five-year, $137.5 million contract in February ,  a deal that was an NFL record at the time, Garoppolo managed to stay out of the limelight.

We had spotted Jimmy during the offseason hanging with the ladies, and one lady in particular  kept on showing up with Jimmy, Alexandra King. Now it looks like she may be out for revenge, after Jimmy was spotted with an aging Porn star, and he claimed IT WAS NEWS TO HIM that he was actually dating anyone.

So if you’re not in the loop, here is Alexandra King below. She has been Jimmy’s main girl for a while. 

Now it looks like Alexandra is spilling the beans on Jimmy, whatever that entails. Who knows what kind of skeletons Jimmy G has? I mean, the guy went out with Kiara Mia, who isn’t exactly considered conventionally hot, and she’s a porn star to boot. 

Check out her post below: 

Alex was at Boston’s hottest radio station, that could mean a few different things. We know she wants to set the record straight about her and Jimmy. We’ve also been in communication with her oursevles, but haven’t been able to nail down a time to speak yet. We’ll keep an eye on this situation as more unfolds.