A sports radio host was discussing the Kansas City Chiefs’ handling of Tyreek Hill’s child abuse allegations when he took a shot at Chiefs head coach Andy Reid, drawing wide criticism. Kevin Kietzman of Sportsradio 810 WHB in Kansas City compared Reid’s discipline of players to the discipline of his sons. 

The audio clip in question can be found below:

“The thing is, they probably think they can fix him, but they thought they could fix him before, and they failed. Andy Reid does not have a great record of fixing players. He doesn’t. Discipline is not his thing. It did not work out particularly well in his family life, and that needs to be added to this, as we’re talking about the Chiefs. He wasn’t real great at that either. He’s had a lot of things go bad on him, family and players.

“He is not good at fixing people, he is not good at discipline. That is not his strength. His strength is designing football plays. To be honest, Andy Reid’s greatest strength is designing football offenses and plays. That’s his greatest strength. Players like him, sure, and he’s a leader. I’m not saying he’s not a leader. His greatest strength is designing football plays. And that’s gotten him a long way, but that doesn’t mean he’s qualified to discipline players, or help them, or change them, or make them better.”

Kietzman has since come out to say that Garrett’s death was never on his mind.

Sports Radio guys will say just about anything.  They all want to be the Shock Jock of the year.  

Dragging Andy Reid’s Son into the conversation is not going to win this guy any award, or any new listeners.  

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